Comments on: American Militarism: Destroying Societies, Protecting No One
A weekly magazine for the Occupy movementMon, 26 May 2014 21:47:30 +0000hourly1 rhizomatic
rhizomaticSun, 03 Feb 2013 19:15:00 +0000 reading: On the "emotional labour" of capitalism.. reading: On the “emotional labour” of capitalism..
]]>By: groupuscule
groupusculeWed, 26 Dec 2012 11:18:00 +0000 cognitariat thinks they are privileged, and they're right, but they are also paying a high price with minds occupied by a fictional world so elaborate no one participant could comprehend the whole thing. And you are right about the challenges to the 'class consciousness' model, as workers are atomized and the fruits of their labor is increasingly ephemeral. This will only become more true as we find data and identities can be given and taken away through an increasingly well-controlled "cloud". Meanwhile on the outside, the politics of "class" difference divide people like never before, with human beings actually unable to acknowledge each other's existence or think about the mutually shared experiences of consciousness. Although the outward trappings of feudalism are gone, we are closer than ever to a Brave New World caste system where different being are bred for different roles in the hierarchy.The cognitariat thinks they are privileged, and they’re right, but they are also paying a high price with minds occupied by a fictional world so elaborate no one participant could comprehend the whole thing. And you are right about the challenges to the ‘class consciousness’ model, as workers are atomized and the fruits of their labor is increasingly ephemeral. This will only become more true as we find data and identities can be given and taken away through an increasingly well-controlled “cloud”. Meanwhile on the outside, the politics of “class” difference divide people like never before, with human beings actually unable to acknowledge each other’s existence or think about the mutually shared experiences of consciousness. Although the outward trappings of feudalism are gone, we are closer than ever to a Brave New World caste system where different being are bred for different roles in the hierarchy.